Cindy Lynn Speer's Bio....

    Well, let's see....

    Cindy Lynn Speer has been writing stories ever since the age of fifteen, when she would write short stories for friends during math class.  She didn't learn much math, but she did learn how to write stories that pleased people, that made them happy.  Her interest in reading fantasy, most notable Barbara Hambly's Dargonsbane led her to write high fantasy.  this was also when she first conceived of Andromeda Pendragon, then a vampire and a detective, and her cop boyfriend, Alaister.  She would try to write this book all through college, and although she'd write plenty of pages, the story never gelled until recently, when she took away Andromeda's fangs and Alaister's badge.  The result is the first book in a series, Andromeda Pendragon:  Balancing Act.  (an excerpt can be read here
    Cindy graduated with a bachelor's degree in creative writing, and has since worked for various libraries.  She enjoys needlework and gardening.  She believes that everything you read influences a writer, but her the people she credits the most for her development are writers Neil Gaiman, Barbara
Hambly, Sylvia Plath and Stephen Crane.  
    She has written several short stories, and her nonfiction has been seen in places such as
Flipside and Science Fiction Romance. She's finally finished her contemporary fantasy about what really happens during a blue can read an excerpt here.  She's begun a third novel.  
    She is a moderator at Fiction Addiction ( ) the Fantasy Genre Editor and a book reviewer for
Gotta Write Online (</a>)  and a book reviewer at Mostly Fiction  (  ), The SfSite ( ), The Midwest Book Review and Affaire de Couer.   She has a growing list of articles up, please check out her Fantasy Genre Shelf at Gotta Write and her articles about Neil Gaiman's works at .

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